The self-serve condiments conundrum

Condiment Horror at BWI

Self-serve condiments counter at BGR at BWI. Why does the customer have to do all the work?

Yesterday we had lunch in the B concourse of BWI airport in Baltimore. We chose BGR, a joint that advertised itself as “the best burger in DC” so we are allowed to hold them to high standards. We ordered the standard cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and onions. Asking about mustard, we were told there are self-serve condiments  “over there”.

The burger was a big wad of meat, the onions were caramelized (not upon request) and the lettuce and tomato were as expected. Then we proceeded to the condiment area where we could choose from an array of mustards (Dijon as well as yellow), packets of salt and pepper, packets of mayo and relish and a couple of mystery items. Tearing into the multiple packets to get enough to prep our burger, we were struck by how inconvenient, irritating and even demeaning the process is: making the customer root around like a pig for kitchen scraps instead of properly preparing the food to order. We understand food safety and the exponential training that would probably be required to dress each item to the customer’s order, but would be willing to accept any additional time or cost. (Though BGR was not exactly bottom feeding at $8.79 for a standard cheeseburger.)

Chicago 7 Dog

Chicago 7 dog promises to make us happy.

In the future, when we see that an establishment has a self-service condiments area like the one pictured here, we shall pass. Where will we go instead? Not the dreadful Obrycki’s crab shack across the hall. On our return trip we will stop at the DC3 hot dog stand which, as you can see from the snap we took of their Chicago 7 (sic) dog on the menu, comes with the full allotment of sport peppers, neon relish and celery salt. We explained we had already eaten but would be back on Saturday. “We will make you happy,” the counter person promised, and we believe they will.

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2 Responses to The self-serve condiments conundrum

  1. -R. says:

    So…how was the hot dog??

    • Burnt My Fingers says:

      Thank you for calling us on that. We never tried it! Wanted to but we were still full of BBQ after our lunch visit to Mikelthwait in Austin. Next time through, assuming we’re still flying, is early May and we will be sure to visit DC3 at that time.

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