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Tag Archives: Jeffrey Hamelman
Man drools, bread rules.
“Man drools, bread rules” is a phrase Jeffrey Hamelman would bring out in his bread baking classes at King Arthur Flour when a dough was taking longer to rise than expected. This loaf is an case in point. After carefully … Continue reading
When your sourdough starter goes bad
My 60% Hamelman sourdough starter is no more. I had scooped up a wad (with the master’s permission) when I took the Wood Fired Oven class at King Arthur Flour back in 2012, nurtured it to a bubbly bloom, … Continue reading
Best and worst online cooking and drinking classes
Like you, I have spent a lot of time in this past year eating and drinking with strangers through online classes and tastings. Maybe the best so far was Kenji’s Japanese soufflé pancake class which I attended with my daughter … Continue reading
Recipe: Go-To Sourdough Bread
This is my favorite sourdough bread recipe which I’ve been tweaking for the past couple of years. I am obsessed with making presentable baguettes, but it also makes excellent and reliable boules and batards for sandwiches and everyday use. It … Continue reading
How to get big(ger) holes in your baguettes
[New to Burnt My Fingers? See UPDATE at the end of this post.] Big, lacy holes are a right of passage in baguette making. Big holes in baguettes mean an airy, well-made loaf with a chewy, tasty crumb. Contributing factors … Continue reading
Baking Hamelman’s 80% rye “Affidavit Bread”
The other day I baked up a wonderful pullman loaf of 80% whole rye that’s perfect for serving with smoked salmon or some of the nice Brooklyn whitefish salad I had left over from a party last weekend. With a … Continue reading
Why bakers steam their bread (and how you can too)
One of the differences between home and professional bakers is that commercial bakeries have ovens which release copious quantities of steam on demand. I got a lesson this week in why steam is important, when I took a Sourdough Rye … Continue reading
Posted in Cooking
Tagged caramelization, Jeffrey Hamelman, King Arthur, oven spring, oven steam
What’s the best flour for baking bread?
What’s the best flour? In this post I will tell you. But you will have to sit through a bit of a windup first, even though I’m simplifying. I am not going to talk about stone ground flours or specialty … Continue reading
Posted in Cooking
Tagged all purpose flour, bread flour, clear flour, Jeffrey Hamelman, King Arthur, Michael London, whole wheat flour
Recipe: Country-Style Miche
A miche (pronounced “meesh”) is a rustic loaf made with high extraction flour. It’s big and hearty and gets better as it ages over several days. Great for sandwiches or just eating with some good butter. Ingredients: For the levain: … Continue reading
Posted in Baking and Baked Goods, Cooking, Recipes
Tagged bread, country style, high-extraction, High-X, Jeffrey Hamelman, King Arthur, Martin Philip, miche, rustic
Country miche taste test … take two
After my first miche test taste, there were a few loose ends. I wanted to add Central Milling Type 85 Malted to the contestants, and I wanted to try a smaller loaf after Michael London’s advice for baking in dutch … Continue reading
Posted in Cooking
Tagged Central Milling, high-extraction, High-X, Jeffrey Hamelman, King Arthur, Martin Philip, miche, Type 85
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