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Tag Archives: In-N-Out
The ultimate In-N-Out cheeseburger
To experience the ultimate In-N-Out cheeseburger you need to eat in the facility, vs. ordering to go. The public space is jammed, seating on hard plastic benches is uncomfortable and you have to wait for a table. But the presentation … Continue reading
The yin and yang of In-N-Out
On my frequent return trips to San Francisco, I have a routine. The night I arrive (or sometimes the next night, if the trip out has been too long and strenuous) I go to the same In-N-Out and order the … Continue reading
Breakfast Cheeseburgers, aka Cheeseburgers for Breakfast
When I was in college they would serve burgers in our (pretty awful) dining hall on Saturday at lunchtime. I would make up several extras and squirrel them away in my dorm room (my roommate loved this) and enjoy throughout … Continue reading
Hacking the secret McDonald’s menu through online ordering
Fast food places are promoting their online ordering, through a browser or a proprietary app. Nothing wrong with that. And I’ve discovered that you can hack the online ordering system to create a secret McDonald’s menu which would be difficult … Continue reading
What’s wrong with fast food burgers? The lettuce, that’s what!
I have been holed up after foot surgery which for some reason has given me an unnatural desire for fast food burgers. With a bit of scheming I was able to procure the Dave’s Single shown above. It’s not bad, thanks … Continue reading