Recipe: Best Marinated Mushrooms

Best Marinated Mushrooms

Best Marinated Mushrooms.

Best Marinated Mushrooms are the winner* in our four-way taste test of preparations. We’ve refined the recipe to add a suitable vinagrette; of course you could use your own but make sure it has a good jolt of red or white wine vinegar.

1 lb fresh mushrooms (standard crimini or button mushrooms)
2 T red or white wine vinegar
¾ t Kosher salt
1 t Penzeys Italian Herb Mix** or ¾ t oregano
2 garlic cloves, minced or crushed
¼ t ground black pepper
¼ c good olive oil

Method: clean the mushrooms by brushing off any soil with a paper towel. Trim the bottoms and cut top-to-bottom into quarters, or halves if they’re small. Transfer the mushrooms to a pot of water and bring to the boil; then lower the temperature to just above a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Drain the mushrooms in a colander and allow them to dry thoroughly.

Mix the vinaigrette: add all the dry ingredients to vinegar at the bottom of a bowl and allow to macerate for a few minutes. Add olive oil and mix; add mushrooms and toss thoroughly to coat all surfaces. Refrigerate for at least two hours and preferably overnight. Serve in salads or as a component of a charcuterie plate.

*We also liked mushrooms which were sautéed then marinated but that process is fussy; overcook and the mushrooms will release too much liquid. This recipe is a no-brainer and the marinated mushrooms will keep several days in the fridge.

**I’m generally against spice blends but this is just good stuff and a time saver. It contains oregano, basil, marjoram, rosemary and thyme.

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