This Gomen recipe is borrowed from Kittee Berns’ Teff Love, except that I’ve substituted Niter Kibbeh for her vegan ye’quimen zeyet since it’s being served with kitfo. Add a dollop of ricotta to your injera (substituting for the Ethiopian ayib) and you’re good to go. Makes 4 ½ c servings.
1 T niter kibbeh
½ red or white onion, peeled, sliced and cut into strips
2 cloves garlic, grated
½ t grated ginger
1 bunch collards, very finely chopped
½ c water
Salt and pepper to taste
Method: sauté onion in niter kibbeh until very soft, 10 minutes or so. Add garic and ginger and cook just until fragrant, about a minute. Add collards and water and stir to mix in, then cover and cook over low heat until thoroughly wilted but not mushy, about 10 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with kitfo and ayib/ricotta on injera.