Recipe: Best Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam.

Use this tomato jam recipe instead of the one we published previously; it’s got a better flavor balance and more pectin so it doesn’t mold as easily when you store in the fridge. A version of this has been published in the New York Times but the original comes from the Food in Jars blog which, in turn, credits it to the writer’s friend Amy. Anyway, it’s delicious with cheese and crackers or on a sandwich or actually anywhere you might use ketchup. Makes a little more than a pint.

3 lbs tomatoes, Roma or another meaty variety preferred
1 ½ c sugar
5 T lime juice (we used bottled unsweetened juice, but fresh would be great)
2 T grated ginger
2 t ground cumin
½ t ground cinnamon
¼ t ground cloves
2 t salt
1 T red pepper flakes

Tomato Jam Cooking

Use a wide pan or skillet iike this one so the tomatoes can reduce without sticking.

Method: coarsely chop the tomatoes; no need to remove seeds and skin as they will add texture to the finished product. Combine all ingredients in a wide shallow pan or skillet and cook over very low heat until liquid is almost gone and a spatula scraped on the bottom will leave a clean surface, about 75 minutes. Keeps a couple of weeks in the refrigerator, so we use 8-oz jars and use one immediately then can the others using the water bath method.

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