Recipe: Japanese Restaurant Salad Dressing

Japanese Restaurant Salad Dressing

Japanese Restaurant Salad Dressing goes really nicely with the sweet sungold cherry tomatoes which are in season right now.

This is our version of the Japanese restaurant salad dressing that’s often served in neighborhood restaurants and sushi bars. Feel free to add even more ginger! Makes 1 c.

2 T onion, chopped
2 T carrot, chopped
1 inch knob ginger, peeled and chopped, or 3 cubes (1 T) Trader Joe’s ginger cubes
1 T tomato paste
¼ c peanut oil or other neutral oil
2 T rice vinegar (unseasoned)
1 T soy sauce
1 t toasted sesame oil
Salt to taste (we add just a pinch)

Method: combine all ingredients in a mini-chop and pulverize. If it is too thick to pour, add a little water. Serve over chilled green salad with Japanese entrees.

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