Taste test: ketchup

Ketchup Taste Test

Ketchup taste test: Heinz vs house brand.

Currently on Burnt My Fingers, three of our top five posts are taste tests in which a panel (of one or more, sometimes much more) samples multiple brands of a product and reports on the results. Our ketchup taste test doesn’t end up in those readership numbers because it happened when we had far fewer readers than today. But it’s valid now as it was then, so take a look.

Heinz Ketchup seems to be an iconic brand that people will pay extra for, even though house brands can be had for far less. But how much better is Heinz Ketchup than our local supermarket’s product? When you think about ketchup you are looking for the right sweet/sour balance combined with a recognizable tomato taste, correct?

To our surprise the house brand product equaled the national brand in taste, color and texture while adding an interesting peppery note that Heinz lacked. The ketchup taste test winner in a blind tasting: Price Chopper house brand! Check it out.

PS. As a result of some rather fuzzy rebranding, the Price Chopper products are now called PICs.



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