Whatever happened to olive loaf?

Dietz & Watson Olive Loaf

Dietz & Watson Olive Loaf

Does olive loaf still exist? I will say yes based on my experience at BJ’s, my local big box store which is a pale simulacrum of Costco. I had a $2 off coupon on their house brand and went for the cheapest item to maximize my savings, thus Dietz & Watson Olive Loaf for $4.98 reduced to $2.98/lb, walla!

Taste is as I remember. I’m sure there is some food chemistry magic happening in the background but it’s basically bologna with olives added plus an acid element that is like the juice in a container of pimento stuffed olives.

How to eat olive loaf? This is not a subtle foodstuff. My mother used to send me off to school with olive loaf sandwiches on Mrs. Baird’s bread and that is probably the best way to go: soft crumb, a little mustard and mayo and you’re good.

Oscar Meyer Olive Loaf is the brand our mothers trusted with and it’s available at Walmart and many other sources. Boar’s Head tries to claim the high ground with a statement that their product is “a blend of select cuts of beef and pork that is studded with imported pimento-stuffed Manzanilla olives, this European-style bologna has a rich, subtly tangy taste. Boar’s Head Olive Loaf packs authentic Old World flavor in every savory slice”  but we’re not buying it; still tastes like bologna with olives added, to us.


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18 Responses to Whatever happened to olive loaf?

  1. I haven’t enjoyed olive loaf for years. I may purchase some the next time I am near a deli. I enjoy a slice of Mortadella. Mortadella with pistachios and garlic are my favorite.

  2. Chuckeye Dave says:

    Olive loaf. So nothing happened? It’s still good I guess.
    What are your thoughts on Dietz & Watson products generally? “Everybody knows” Boar’s Head is the ne plus ultra of all things deli. I buy D&W hotdog products when they’re on sale locally. In the ‘cuse “everybody knows”, hotdogs other than Hofmann are inedible.

    • Burnt My Fingers says:

      I in general don’t buy sliced sandwich meat, so I get Dietz and Watson when I have a coupon from BJs. It’s ok, middle of the road stuff. Quality is ok, tastes in general are mild.

      • Chuckeye Dave says:

        Cold cuts I generally don’t buy either as my habit is one sandwich and snack on it piece by piece until it’s gone. 24 hrs, max. Is it sandwich meat, deli meat, cold cuts or deli meat?
        Ignoring salami and salumi, its rich cousin.

  3. Dave says:

    As a kid I always liked an olive loaf sandwich. I had forgotten about it.

  4. Dave says:

    Pellegrino’s on Central Ave. in Colonie hasn’t seen olive loaf in 25 years and they carry Boars head brand

    • Burnt My Fingers says:

      Boar’s Head does make olive loaf (which they call “olive terrine” LOL) so it’s a matter of preference that Pellegrino’s doesn’t carry it. In general I feel the big Boar’s Head signs in delis are a negative because they’ve gone the easy route rather than picking best-in-class meats from a variety of suppliers.

  5. Dave says:

    Hannaford on Wolf Rd. doesn’t carry it maybe Price Chopper

  6. Paula Chapman says:

    Thanks. Oh and just fyi it’s “voila,” not “walla.” Have a great day!

  7. Joe D Reed says:

    As of 4 /27/24 publix has olive loaf for $9.50 per pound.

  8. Joe says:

    As of 4/27/24 publix has olive loaf at $9.50 per pound

  9. Orah Tipton says:

    I was so disappointed that they discontinued carrying Boars Head $9.49 lb. at Fred Meyer’s and a corporate decision by Albertson’s has discontinued selling it, too! Oscar Meyer Olive Loaf, if you can find it, is $5-$8 for an 8oz. package. I’m driven to get what I need to make my own.

    • Burnt My Fingers says:

      Wonder what is going on at Boar’s Head? They invested a lot in some very savvy marketing and those are not the results I would expect. And the recent recall didn’t help either. Were the two related, ie did the stores stop carrying Boar’s Head because of the recall?

  10. Marsha says:


    Do you mean, “Voila!” perhaps?

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