Best Way Pesto starts with a mortar and pestle, finishes in a food processor. This creates maximum flavor because the plant cells are broken down through pounding, then chopped into an even consistency which we found was not possible without exposure to a sharp blade. (Kenji has a special mortar and pestle that break up the leaves, but our method works fine with what is already in your kitchen.) Makes about ¾ c, enough for 3 plates of 4 servings of each when tossed with spaghetti along with more oil and parmesan.
2 c fresh basil leaves, loosely compacted
½ t Kosher salt
3 cloves garlic, peeled
3 T walnuts or pine nuts*
½ cup grated Parmesan or Parmesan-Reggiano cheese
1/3 c extra virgin olive oil

This is the best I could do at grinding the basil with mortar & pestle. Leaves are squashed but still discrete.
Method: pound/stir the garlic and salt with the mortar and pestle until pulverized; add nuts and mix to a paste the consistency of peanut butter. Add basil leaves a handful at a time and pound. Transfer to food processor and add cheese and a little oil; blend till smooth then add the additional oil in 2 more steps, blending till smooth each time. If using the same day, transfer to a refrigerator dish and pour a little oil on top so the pesto won’t cover; otherwise spoon ¼ cup at a time onto a piece of plastic wrap then fold up and freeze till needed. When serving, mix with hot cooked pasta adding additional cheese and oil to taste.
*Pine nuts are traditional, but very expensive these days. The nuts are mostly an emulsifier and don’t add a lot of flavor so walnuts are fine.