A reader said it best: “THIS is the real Silence of the Lambs”. From the Aspics with Threatening Auras Facebook Group.
The pandemic makes strange bedfellows, as evidenced by three Facebook groups we’ve been following recently. Each is an attempt to explore an obscure avenue of our current and former foodways, and each features roughly equal quantities of commentators who like the recipes and trolls who despise the foods and those who present them.

This beef tartare looks fine to us, except for the questionable decision to garnish with an egg yoke inside a raw onion ring..
Questionable Vintage Recipes is “a place to post the grossest and weirdest retro food-crimes you can find!” which kind of gives away the moderator’s bias, no? The most active current post is “Tartare a’ la Salmonella” which, again, telegraphs the presenter’s contempt but is actually a typical beef tartare recipe. But we were indeed grossed out by Rag Doll Tea Party, in which the parent makes a Raggedy Ann out of cheese, marshmallows, canned peach halves and decorative touches and then invites the young ‘uns to cut her open at a children’s party.

Dig in, Kids! From the Questionable Vintage Recipes Facebook group.
Aspics with Threatening Auras is for “discovering and discussing aspics that make you feel unsafe while viewing”. And yeah, most of these are pretty frightening. Like this one. And this one! It’s inspired a rival group called Aspics with Inviting Auras but honestly the results don’t look all that different.
Before you leave, a word about Midcentury Menu because some readers may have expected to see that website on our list. Absolutely not! It’s a wonderful and useful site in which a dedicated blogger goes to the trouble to make 50s recipes at home (vs just making fun of them) and tests them on her husband. Sadly, the author has had to pause her social media accounts because of the kind of trolling described above. It’s a legit resource and we will visit it–and make recipes from it–at another time.
My favorite website was Retro Recipe Attempts- still online but inactive since 2017:https://retrorecipe.wordpress.com/
That’s a good one, thanks! Gotta try Humphrey’s beef soup.
Love look at the threading aspics, make my day every time along with my pal James we can’t get enough! More please
Good news! We made a typo and did not provide the correct FB link for “Aspics with Threatening Auras” and have just fixed that. So a whole new world of weirdness awaits you.