My wife brought home two of those giant globe artichokes and asked me to cook them. Due to price, they required more than cursory preparation so I took to the internets and compared many recipes and methods. One thing I learned quickly: the outside leaves contain a substance (cynarin?) that can make the artichoke taste bitter if you get it on your hands and then steam and eat as I am used to doing, right out of the steamer with mayo or melted butter. This has definitely been a problem for me. Life lesson learned, and we’re just getting started.
The best way to cook artichokes is this: take a sharp knife and cut off the top of the artichoke at a point where the lighter green leaves in the center will be exposed. Pull off the outer leaves at the bottom until you start seeing a decent amount of meat at the bottom of the ones you’re pulling off; this will require several trips around the artichoke globe. With scissors, trim the tops of the remaining outside leaves to remove the sticky ends. Trim the bottom of the stem and remove the tough outer skin of the stem with a peeler or paring knife.

Not pretty but efficient: spoon some mayo into the center of an artichoke half, then wrap tightly in plastic wrap for a tasty to-go lunch.
Now, cut the artichoke in half from top to bottom. Scoop out the leaves above the heart and the fuzzy stuff on the top of the heart, using a spoon. Boil the artichoke halves in water with salt and lemon juice added until outer leaves pull off easily, about 30 minutes. Drain and cool.
Finally, brush on olive oil on all exposed surfaces and add salt and pepper. You’re done! This stable, cooked artichoke will keep for several hours at room temperature or days in your refrigerator without turning brown. When you’re ready to eat it, dollop some mayonnaise, melted lemon butter or your favorite dip into the open center and scoop it out as you eat. Tasty, not messy, and definitely not bitter.