Chicago airport hot dog from Gold Coast in the Midway food court… maybe not the best ever but pretty pretty good.
When planning my current trip, I discovered Southwest has eliminated its ALB-SNA itinerary so I had to fly United and go through O’Hare. This opened some new hot dog opportunities. I strode off the plane, searched “hot dogs” on Yelp, and found several places that were within walking distance. The nearest place was “America’s Dog” so I got there quickly and ordered the Chicago dog. What a disappointment! It was a much smaller frankfurter to begin with, and the ingredients, though they were all there, were arranged haphazardly on the bun. And it was a terrible value at $6.49…. as I recall the Gold Coast dog was a little over $5. The only positive thing was that it left me so hungry I realized I could eat another hot dog for breakfast, and did.
I went off in search of “Chicago Style Hot Dogs” but that place is not where Yelp says it is, nor is it where the signage on the airport wall says it is. Perhaps it has gone out of business or morphed into a deep dish pizza place? I ended up (and mistakenly checked in) at one of several kiosks that are operated by a single server who assembles the dogs off a steam table. The server gamely put the ingredients through their paces. She even added some slices of cucumber, which I had never seen before. (They didn’t add much.) But the steam table meant both the bun and the dog were flaccid.
Looking at the morning’s experience with Chicago airport hot dogs, I marvel at the variability that can be encountered in a simple tube steak. I am going to stipulate, and I will wait for Chicagoans to tell me I am full of lake water, that the dog absolutely has to be grilled to a crackling brown (close to black) crust. And it needs a sturdy bun that won’t fall apart when you eat it.
Like many people who discover they enjoy cooking at a young age, I once fantasized about opening a restaurant as a way to make people happy. A hot dog restaurant was one of my ideas. I would offer endless variations—my favorite innovation was a curry dog with mayo and mango chutney—and they would be cheap, nutritious and filling. Certainly a Chicago dog would merit a place on the menu. It’s not easy because you have to get that special neon relish (which, as I discovered when making Texas Schoolburgers, is more than just relish with green food coloring) and you need sport peppers (which aren’t actually a thing) with just the right degree of hotness.
A guy tried a hot dog business in Saratoga awhile back and it failed quickly. His Chicago style hot dog cut corners, and was unsatisfactory. You need the real thing. And grill that dog, dammit.
UPDATE: shortly after this post was written, I was able to procure the fixings straight from Vienna Beef and did a taste test during the Super Bowl. You can read about here. In other news, Gold Coast Dogs at Midway did not survive the pandemic and was replaced by a stand that says Vienna but turns out an inferior product.
Thank you for showing some respect for the American dog. Forget the Westminister Dog Show, it is what you have in your bun with hot mustard and red onions that matter to me. You are a true American not afraid to admit you can enjoy a good dog . . . one that you don’t have to clean up after. Happy New Year 2019 to you and your family. I hope you prepare dogs at home for them.
Thank you and happy 2019 to you as well. At home, I like to make the Nathan’s Original dogs with natural skin which are hard to find and quite a bit more expensive than the supermarket packs. I don’t agree with the politics of the Nathan’s folks so I wait till they are on sale (at BJ’s, a Costco knockoff) so I can tell myself they aren’t making any money on me.
Damn, I’m out of sport peppers! Do you know if anyone has them locally? They’re so expensive online.
I am guessing you had a jar of Vienna brand or some other brand that hails from Chicago? I don’t think you are going to find that locally and will have to go on Amazon and pay the freight. Vienna sells an entire kit with the peppers, neon relish (are you out of that too?), yellow mustard, celery salt, poppy seed buns and 10 dogs for $42 plus shipping. You’ll end up paying on a per-dog basis about what I paid at the airport.
I have also heard that the mild green pickled chili peppers sold at Asian Supermarket (in the hot sauce aisle) are a close match. You want something a little bigger than a serrano or tabasco pepper, and reliably just a little spicy but not too much. Let us know how it goes.
This post is out of date. Gold Coast Dogs at Midway are gone, replaced by Vienna Beef which sounds like the real thing but is usually closed and has poor quality product when open. And speaking of grilled, I had a conversation with customer service at Vienna Beef (the company, not the franchise) and they told me most Chicagoans steam rather than grill their dogs. I still prefer grilled and when I did a taste test my tasters agreed (you can find the post in a search).