McDonald’s has been running a special on Chicken McNuggets through its app and a few boxes (20 for $4.99) have passed through my home recently. I tried them reheated, and they’re not bad. So it occurred to me to do a variation of spicy, garlicky, ginger-y Korean fried chicken. Walla, Korean Chicken Nuggets!
20-piece box of Chicken McNuggets (about 12 oz) or equivalent
3 T fresh ginger, peeled
3 T fresh garlic, peeled
3 T soy sauce
3 T catsup
3 T white vinegar
1 T Asian sesame oil
1 T sugar
1 t chili powder

If you like, serve the nuggets in their original McDonalds box, maybe with some red lettuce leaves for eating K-style.
Method: start with chicken nuggets which have already been cooked and fried one time. Reheat in a 300 degree oven (toaster oven is fine) until sizzling hot. Meanwhile, puree ginger and garlic in a micro chop; add other ingredients and blend. Pour the sauce over the nuggets and toss to blend thoroughly. Allow to rest at least 20 minutes before serving warm or at room temperature.
Note: I used a sauce recipe with ingredients found in most any supermarket, but if you want to go authentic try this recipe.
I haven’t been to McD’s since the ’90s. No desire to go back. McNuggets always sucked.
I had never eaten a nugget till these started showing up with my teenager. Tasted one out of curiosity and it was much better than expected though not on a par with a good piece of fried chicken from Hattie’s in Saratoga or most any joint down south.
However, a fried rat would taste delicious with this Korean sauce.
Rat is delicious on its own. Kidding. Never had it. Could be. I’ve had the best and worst fried chicken from Hattie’s.