Pollo al Jerez (chicken cooked with sherry, Cuban-style)
This is my attempt at the Pollo al Jerez (chicken with sherry) served at the Colmao restaurant in the Pico district of Los Angeles. It’s pretty good, but a work in progress. The original version has a tartness which makes me think they actually use sherry vinegar, rather than sherry. Try that, or squirt some vinegar on at serving time, if you’re adventurous. Serves 4-6.
2 lbs chicken breast or thighs, or a combination
2 medium onions, peeled and cut into ½ moon slices, about 2 c
2 T olive oil, plus extra as needed
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
¼ c green olives, with pimentos if you have them, coarsely chopped
¼ c sherry, dry or sweet
Method: in a sauté pan, sweat the onions over very low heat until they are sweet and limp but not yet caramelized, about 30 minutes. Reserve. Salt and pepper the chicken pieces, and dredge them in flour. Heat the oil remaining in the pan (add more if necessary) and sauté the pieces on both sides until they are crisp. Add garlic and sherry, cover and cook over low heat until chicken is cooked through, 20 minutes. Add green olives and serve over rice.
Hey Otis
This sounds delicious and reminds me of the Famoso pollo Versailles’ at Versailles — the LA chain. An ajo dish.
How about you check it out at El Colmao and report back on the comparison. It’s on Pico near downtown… used to be a pretty scary neighborhood but the Staples Center ripple effect may have gentrified it a bit.