Pickled Carrots with Ginger
Simple ingredients produce a complex flavorful result. Use these pickled carrots with ginger in salads or on a charcuterie tray; the gingery brine is tasty enough to drink on its own or as the base for a pickleback cocktail. I pretty much followed the recipe that came with my FARMcurious lids and hope they won’t mind so long as a few of you buy their airlock canning gadgets. Makes 1 pint.
3 large carrots, peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch discs (a mandoline is good for this)
1 inch length ginger root, in a thickness to match the carrots, peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch disks
1 c water
1 T Kosher salt
Method: Layer the carrots and ginger in a pint canning jar, alternating the layers between the two ingredients. Thoroughly dissolve the salt in water and pour over carrots. There should be about 1″ headspace at the top of the jar. Screw on FarmCurious lid with airlock or use your favorite pickling technique to close the jar. Ferment at room temperature for about 2 weeks or more, checking for and removing any mold that forms on the surface. Taste and, when the flavor is as you like it (the vegetables will still be crunchy) transfer to the refrigerator where they will keep for several weeks.