Food for Thought: Beer Advocate

Have you ever been in a beer store and wondered about a new microbrew you found on the shelf (or on tap to fill your growler, better yet)? If you were me, you’d whip out your smartphone and go to Beer Advocate, then type the brewery and beer name in the search box. This method hardly ever fails me: up comes a link which will provide reviews and descriptions of the beer including IBUs and the all-important ABV.

Just one complaint: why don’t you guys create an app? It’s hard to read those tiny screens on my iPhone! [UPDATE: The Fuj has kindly pointed us to the beta version of the beer advocate mobile site which works a lot better; it’s now on my home screen.] Otherwise, it’s hard to argue with the price of free (after you sign up for a membership which itself is free).  Check it out!

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2 Responses to Food for Thought: Beer Advocate

  1. The Fuj. says:

    Check out the beta version of their mobile site. Works a little better than the desktop verison:

  2. Burnt My Fingers says:

    Thanks! Post now updated!

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