Squash Casserole as served on Choice Plate at the late and lamented Highland Park Cafeteria, with jalapeƱo muffin and fried chicken.
Real comfort food. Thanks to my daughter Jamaica for figuring out the squash casserole recipe at the Highland Park Cafeteria. Instead of using cracker crumbs, pick up a box of saltines and crumble them very coarsely so some chunks are still visible in the finished product. 8 servings.
2 lbs yellow summer squash, coarsely chopped (about 6 c)
1/2 c onion, finely chopped
4 T melted butter
2 t sugar
1 t Kosher salt
1/2 t pepper
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 c cracker crumbs, coarsely crumbled (made from saltines)
Method: Boil water sufficient to cover the squash in a large saucepan. Dump them in and cook till just tender, about 10 minutes. Drain and cool. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix beaten eggs, salt, sugar and onion and pour over squash; add melted butter and salt and pepper to taste, then 1 c cracker crumbs. Mix gently to combine, then turn into a lightly greased 3 qt casserole. Cover with additional 1/2 c cracker crumbs. Bake for 20-25 minutes until lightly browned on top.
I ate there years ago and this was one of my favorite dishes
Thanks for commenting, Stephen. Hope you had a good batch. They are inconsistent in the way they crumble the crackers… it is sometimes too fine which turns them into a paste. Follow the recipe and you’ll do fine.
i worked there. everything is correct except no eggs and no sugar. we have to make it a peticular way just in case someone has diabetes or allergic to eggs. but it tastes so good. most of the recipes we have are very simple.
Really!??! Tell us more! You wouldn’t happen to have the recipe for the Caesar salad dressing would you?
The above was replying to a comment from “unknown” which WordPress won’t let me publish because of the lack of attribution. Here it is:
“i worked there. everything is correct except no eggs and no sugar. we have to make it a peticular way just in case someone has diabetes or allergic to eggs. but it tastes so good. most of the recipes we have are very simple.”
VERY cool and I hope Unknown will get in touch. This sounds like the “new” HPC where they’ve tinkered with some of the recipes for health reasons, yes?