Certified Angus Beef grilling class at Market Bistro

Chefs Market Bistro

Chefs Michael Ollier and John Winnek at work in Market Bistro demo kitchen

I’ll be sharing a few recipes over the next couple of weeks from a grilling class with John Winnek, the resident chef and chief instructor at the Market Bistro Cooking School in Latham, NY. John has an easy, confident way in describing and preparing his recipes and it was a pleasure to spend 90 minutes with him and Michael Ollier from Certified Angus Beef, watching them grill and then sampling three different cuts of beef (a marinated top round, a petit sirloin and a New York strip which had been partitioned into “filets” on the principle that the modern diner wants strong flavor and can put up with less meat).

Steak and Taters

Twice Baked Potato Casserole (recipe to come)

This is an excellent facility that I’ll recommend to anyone who is within driving distance, especially because it turns out to be the area’s first full-scale cooking school at a chain grocery. The large demo kitchen has three islands where up to 15 students can participate in hands-on classes, and counters and stools facing the kitchen and two large video monitors for nonparticipatory classes (like the one I attended). Classes are held almost daily on a variety of specialties and for all interest levels and age ranges (there was recently a “Frozen” cooking class for kids, which I gather was a learning experience for all involved). The current schedule is here.

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